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Pupil Leadership & Pupil Voice

At Broad Chalke we value our pupils and adopt a whole school commitment of listening to the voice of our pupils by providing meaningful opportunities for pupils to share their experiences and express their views and hopes. 

We believe it is important for our children to appreciate their role as part of a community; take responsibility, be able to look after themselves and foster an understanding of their importance, impact and influence in the world.

School Council

Our school council proactively makes a valuable contribution to shaping school life by gathering ideas, thoughts and plans from pupils in every year group.  Our school council gives pupils the opportunity to:

  • Act as ambassadors for the school both when in school and out in the community
  • Represent pupils voice
  • Work alongside staff and the Headteacher to help shape our school and enhance our development
  • They help the adults in the school to make decisions on behalf of the pupils 
  • Meet regularly and feedback to teachers, children and other members of the school community
  • Support teachers with the organisation and running of whole school events

Our team of librarians are responsible for organising and tidying our lovely library which has recently been relocated to the central area. Our librarians also support some of our younger readers to enjoy reading. 

Book Clubs 

We are currently running two pupil-led book clubs which take place during lunchtimes. The children choose a book to read then meet to discuss what has been read on a weekly basis. Book reviews are then compiled to inspire others in the school to read favourite books. The idea of the book club was inspired by three Year 5 pupils. 

Crumble Crew

The Crumble Crew was inspired by one of our creative pupils who was keen to gather children from across the classes to meet with Crumble (our school dog) on a weekly basis to discuss fund raising opportunities and promote wellbeing. 

Our Crumble Crew planned and organised a cake sale to raise money to buy Crumble a dog bed! The children raised £75!


We encourage pupils to share their voice for local and world wide issues through leading assemblies. 

Two children recently planned and delivered an assembly about endangered species.




Following a request in the 'Messages to Mrs Luft' box four members of our Dragonfly Class led an  assembly on mental health and positive wellbeing. The girls researched, planned and delivered a fantastic assembly to explain what a positive mental health is, how to support positivemental health and how to identify different emotions.


Fund Raising

Our pupils at Broad Chalke embrace opportunities to share their passions and beliefs about the school and beyond. We encourage our pupils to 'make a difference' and to carefully consider creative and positive ways to achieve this.

One of our Year 5 pupils wanted to raise money to support Salisbury hospital's Stars Appeal. The Year 5 class then organised a cake sale and a brilliant £52.75

Year 6 Work Experience 

We are committed to seeking opportunities to inspire our pupils during their time at Broad Chalke and for life beyond. Every summer term we offer our Year 6 pupils the opportunity to engage in a day of work experience in our school kitchen with Mrs Tribbeck and her team. The children help to prepare the food, cook, serve and clear down the kitchen. This is a memorable and worthwhile opportunity for our pupils.