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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is a Government initiative which aims to provide funding to schools for disadvantaged pupils to help close the attainment gap and improve their educational outcomes.

The following groups are eligible for pupil premium:

  • pupils recorded as eligible for free school meals (FSM) or have been recorded as eligible in the past 6 year (Ever6)
  • children looked after by local authorities (LAC )
  • children previously looked after (PLAC)

Service Pupil Premium is additional funding for schools with pupils who have parents serving in the armed forces 

Statement of Intent 

At Broad Chalke Primary School, we believe every child, regardless of their background or the challenges they face, is provided with a high-quality education and learning experiences which ensure they make good progress and fulfil their individual potential, whilst in our care.

We use the EEF’s implementation guidance to help us develop our strategy and adapt our pupil premium spending each term to meet the ongoing needs of the children and based on the evidenced effectiveness of each intervention.

Research demonstrates that children from disadvantaged backgrounds often face additional challenges in reaching their potential and generally do not perform as well as their peers at school.

High quality teaching is at the heart of our approach to ensure our offer meets the needs of every pupils. We aim to ensure all barriers to learning are removed so our pupils can know more and remember more to maximise their life skills in order to full equip them for life beyond our school.

Broad Chalke’s Pupil Premium Strategy takes a tiered approach to ensure all pupils, including our disadvantaged pupils, consistently experience the high-quality teaching, have access to targeted academic support and benefit from wider strategies including pastoral support for social and emotional difficulties, attendance and behaviour which can  impact on success in school.

Our ultimate intent at Broad Chalke is:

  • To narrow and ultimately eliminate the gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils within the school
  • To ensure all disadvantaged pupils exceed national expected progress rates in order to reach Age Related Expectations or above at the end of Year 6
  • To ensure all disadvantaged pupils have access to a full and diverse curriculum to enrich their experiences, raise self esteem and aspirations for now and beyond the school.

Our school context

The children in our school who are eligible for FSM (Free School Meals) are spread across the school. Regular assessments and close tracking enables us to target support for these children throughout their school life to ensure they make the same progress as their peers. 

In developing provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not all pupils who receive FSM will be socially disadvantaged. We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged qualify for FSM. For us as a school, the needs of an individual is paramount in the process of identifying support and developing our teaching and learning strategies. 

How we support pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium

At Broad Chalke we have used this funding to support our children through the following routes:

  • Additional teaching assistant hours to run individual ‘catch-up’ programmes in English and Maths or to aid transition activities to Secondary Schools
  • Additional ELSA teaching assistant hours to run group programmes such as Lego therapy (this support social skills)  mindfulness or targeted group support in class
  • Play therapy for specific pupils
  • Training and additional teaching assistant hours to lead 'Drawing and Talking' programme (trauma led intervention)
  • Teacher and Teaching assistant hours to attend 'Five to Thrive' training 
  • Staff attending relevant training courses
  • The development of a nurture room
  • Access to a rich range of texts across the curriculum to build vocabulary, reading skills and experience
  • Transition from primary to secondary and transition internally and into EYFS.
  • Funding educational visits, residential and experiences
  • Ensuring children have first-hand experiences to use in their learning in the classroom.
  • Prioritising places at after school enrichment clubs and for leadership opportunities (e.g. school council)
  • Support to attend Ready to Shine ELSA led morning club should this be required to ensure a smooth start to the day and ease pupil transition into school
  • To allow the children to learn a musical instrument