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Our Intent

The aim of the Science curriculum at Broad Chalke is that our pupils don't just learn Science: they become scientists. We believe that Science is a subject which should be full of curiosity, engagement and experiences for our pupils and help them to develop an understanding of, as well as a respect for, the world around them. As part of that, we feel that Science should be about pupils developing key knowledge and skills which pupils are then able to use across a range of essential concepts. Our curriculum is designed to be progressive so that essential concepts are revisited and built upon and working scientifically skills develop year on year so that pupils are able to become increasingly independent and confident in their application of these skills. 

Within our Science lessons, we work on both core curriculum knowledge as well as working scientifically skills. We recognise the importance of pupils developing both their knowledge and skills in Science in order to gain a rich understanding in the subject. Enquiry and investigation is an essential part of our approach to Science we know that these exciting, hands-on experiences are what our children really remember when they move on to the next stage of education. 

Our Implementation

Our Science learning is rooted in the Plymouth Science scheme of learning. We find this scheme gives our pupils many opportunities to engage with scientific investigations or enquiries and also gives them 'Science Capital' where they learn about the work of scientists and people who have changed the world.

Working Scientifically Skills

Different Types of Enquiry